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Journal Publications


  1. Baucells, Manel and Lin Zhao. Everything in Moderation: Foundations and Applications of the Satiation Model. Forthcoming in Management Science.

  2. Baucells, Manel and Lin Zhao. It Is Time to Get Some Rest. Management Science, 65(4) 1717-1734.

  3. Baucells, Manel and Rakesh K. Sarin. The Myopic Property in Decision ModelsDecision Analysis, 16(2), 128-141.

  4. Baucells, Manel and Dov Samet. Coalition Preferences with Individual ProspectsGames and Economics Behavior, 108, 585-591, in special issue in honor of Lloyd Shapley.

  5. Baucells, Manel and Woonam Hwang (2017). A Model of Mental Accounting and Reference Price Adaptation. Management Science, 63(12) 4201-4218.

  6. Baucells, Manel, Nikolay Osadchiy, and Anton Ovchinnikov (2016). Behavioral Anomalies in Consumer Wait-or-Buy Decisions and Their Implications for Markdown ManagementOperations Research, 65(2), 357-378.

  7. Baucells, Manel and Silvia Bellezza (2015). Temporal Profiles of Instant Utility during Anticipation, Event, and Recall. Management Science, 63(3) 729-748.

  8. Baucells, Manel and Antonio Villasis (2015). Equal Tails: A Simple Method to Elicit Utility under Violations of Expected Utility. Decision Analysis, 14(4), 190-204.

  9. Baucells, Manel and Emanuele Borgonovo (2013). Invariant Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis. Management Science, 59(11), 2536-2549.

  10. Baucells, Manel and Rakesh K. Sarin (2013). Determinants of Experienced Utility: Laws and Implications. Decision Analysis, 10(2), 135-151. Finalist of the 2013 Decision Analysis Special Recognition Award.

  11. Baucells, Manel and Rakesh K. Sarin (2013). Guided Decision Processes. Inaugural issue of EURO Journal on Decision Processes, 1(1-2), 29-44.

  12. Baucells, Manel and Franz Heukamp (2012). Probability and Time Tradeoff. Management Science, 58(4), 831-842.

  13. Baucells, Manel Martin Weber, and Frank Welfens (2011). Reference Point Formation and Updating. Management Science, 57(3), 506-519.

  14. Baucells, Manel and Antonio Villasis (2010). Stability of Risk Preferences and the Reflection Effect of Prospect Theory. Theory and Decision, 68 (1-2), 193-211.

  15. Baucells, Manel and Rakesh K. Sarin (2010). Predicting Utility under Satiation and Habit Formation. Management Science, 56(2), 286-301.

  16. Baucells, Manel and Franz H. Heukamp (2010). Common Ratio using Delay. Theory and Decision, 68 (1-2), 149-158.

  17. Baucells, Manel, Juan A. Carrasco and Robin M. Hogarth (2008). Cumulative Dominance and Heuristic Performance in Binary Multiattribute Choice. Operations Research, 56 (5), 1289-1304.

  18. Carrasco, Juan A., and Manel Baucells (2008). Tight Upper Bounds for the Expected Loss of Lexicographic Heuristics in Binary Multiattribute Choice. Mathematical Social Sciences, 55, 156-189.

  19. Baucells, Manel and Lloyd S. Shapley (2008). Multiperson Utility. Games and Economic Behavior, 62, 329–347. Winner of the 2001 Decision Analysis Student Paper Competition.

  20. Baucells, Manel and Rakesh K. Sarin (2007). Evaluating Time Streams of Income: Discounting What?. Theory and Decision, 63:95–120.

  21. Baucells, Manel and Rakesh K. Sarin (2007). Satiation in Discounted Utility. Operations Research, 55 (1), 170-181.

  22. Baucells, Manel and Cristina Rata (2006). A Survey Study of Factors Influencing Risk Taking Behavior in Real World Decisions under Uncertainty. Decision Analysis, 3 (3), 163–176.

  23. Baucells, Manel and Franz H. Heukamp (2006). Stochastic Dominance and Cumulative Prospect Theory. Management Science, 52 (9), 1409-1423. Winner of the 2004 Decision Analysis Student Paper Competition.

  24. Baucells, Manel and Steven A. Lippman (2004). Bargaining with Search as an Outside Option: The Impact of the Buyer's Future Availability. Decision Analysis, 1 (4), 235-249.

  25. Baucells, Manel and Franz Heukamp (2004). Reevaluation of the Results by Levy and Levy (2002a). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 94 (1), 15-21.

  26. Baucells, Manel and Steven A. Lippman (2003). Legal Hold-up in Cotenancy. Topics in Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol. 3: No. 1, Article 8.

  27. Baucells, Manel and Rakesh K. Sarin (2003). Group Decisions with Multiple Criteria. Management Science, 49 (8), 1105-1118.

  28. Baucells, Manel and Steven A. Lippman (2001). Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied: A Cooperative Game Theoretic Analysis to Hold-up in Coownership. Cardozo Law Review, 22 (3-4), 1191-1250.

Books and Chapters


Abel, Jenny M., Manel Baucells and Lin Zhao. Give It a Rest: Manage Fatigue to Raise ProductivityIndustrial Management, 60(3), pp. 12-16.

Baucells, M. Richard Thaler, Premio Nobel de Economia 2017. Fundación para el conocimiento. Madrid. Premios Nobel 2017. p.16.


Baucells, M. and Rakesh K. Sarin (2012). Engineering Happiness. University of California Press (English).

          Available in Spanish under the title “La formula de la felicidad,” by Editorial Planeta.

          Winner of the 2014 Decision Analysis society publication award.


Baucells, M. and K. Katsikopoulos. Individual decision-making. In Experimental Economics I: Decisions (Eds. Pablo Branas and Antonio Cabrales) pp. 17-33, 2015, London: Palgrave

Baucells, Raul Lejano and Cheng-Zhong Qin (2013). Shapley, Lloyd S. (1923-). The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. Online Edition. Eds. Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume. Palgrave Macmillan.


Baucells, M. and Konstantinos V. Katsikopoulos (2011). Descriptive Models Of Decision Making. Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science.


Baucells, M. and Konstantinos V. Katsikopoulos (2011). Toma Individual de Decisiones. In Economía Experimental y del Comportamiento. Pablo Brañas, coord. Antoni Bosch ed.


Baucells, M. and Sarin, R. K (2010). Optimizing Happiness. In ManMohan S. Sodhi and Christopher S. Tang (Eds.), A Long View of Research and Practice in Operations Research and Management Science, pp. 249-273, Springer.


Baucells, M. and Sarin, R. K (2008). Does more money buy you more happiness?. In T., Kugler, J. C., Smith, T., Connolly and Y., Son, Decision modeling and behavior in complex and uncertain environments, pp. 199-226, Springer.


Baucells, M. and Martin Weber (2009). Mind Your Mind Traps: Cognitive Bias in Situations of Uncertainty. Inaugural issue of IESEInsight, 1(1), 28-35.




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