Darden School of Business
University of Virginia
E-mail: BaucellsM@darden.virginia.edu
Phone: 310-526-1370
Research Interests
Decision Analysis
Group Decision Making
Utility theory
Investment Analysis
Behavioral Models
Reference point updating
Intrinsic uncertainty of time
Mental accounting
Behavioral Revenue Management
Design of Experiences
Design of Experiences
Satiation and Fatigue
Anticipation and Recall
Simple Heuristics
Multiattribute decisions
Stopping rules for search
My UCLA thesis co-advisor, Lloyd Shapley, who won the 2012 Nobel price in Economics, died on April 2016. Three of us, former students of Lloyd, had the privilege to write the entry "Shapley, Lloyd S. (1923-2016)" in the new Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.
The other co-advisor, Steve Lippman, recently celebrated his retirement with a nice workshop. Here is a picture with his "research" children.
I have been Department Editor of Management Science for Behavioral Economics and Decision Analysis since October 2014.
Here is a recent 2021 presentation on "Preferences over Risky Payoff Streams" for the Decision Analysis society webinar series.
The book Engineering Happiness, which Rakesh Sarin and I published in 2012, has won the 2014 Best publication award by the Decision Analysis Society.
Here is a recent short video on how to manage fatigue and increase productivity.
Successful 2014-2015 season in the Golf Channel Am Tour. Won the Order of Merit, Snead flight Los Angeles. One tournament victory in 2021. So far so good.